Update: New building
Our construction site is changing every day. And progress is being made
22. Mainzer Wissenschaftsmarkt
The 22nd Mainz Science Market took place on September 7 and 8, 2024.
It was a fantastic weekend with many curious visitors! -
An exiting talk of Ugur Sahin
about "the dawn of individualized cancer medicine: How novel (bio)technologies revolutionize the treatment of cancer" at Curious Future Insight…
Fantastic visit at the start of the week
The HI-TRON Mainz received a fantastic visit at the start of the week: the DKFZ's "Epithelium Microenvironment Interaction Lab" (EMIL).
An exciting event at HI-TRON Mainz.
The second HI-TRON Mainz Symposium took place on 16.02.2024.
Visit at HI-TRON Mainz
Today we had the exciting opportunity to welcome Jens Jäger, the Delegate for the Research Field Health in the Helmholtz Association from Brussels…